Mood Cannabis

Tackling Analytics & MarTech Challenges for a fast-growing D2C eCommerce Start-Up In a Regulated Industry

Mood, a trailblazer in the cannabis industry, is dedicated to making cannabis accessible to users through online purchases and direct door-to-door delivery. Leveraging the legal and guilt-free selection of potent hemp-derived products allowed by the 2018 Farm Bill, Mood has experienced substantial growth, positioning itself as one of the fastest-growing eCommerce stores in 2023.

Problem Overview

Despite its skyrocketing success, Mood encountered several challenges, including:

  • Restrictions on advertising across various platforms.
  • The need for custom solutions due to SaaS vendor policies.
  • Insufficient and inaccurate web analytics for optimization.


$ K+
Monthly Managed spend
+ %
Improvement in Tracking

Our Approach

In response to the unique challenges posed by regulatory restrictions on advertising, our strategy focused on leveraging Native Advertising networks such as Outbrain. Additionally, we addressed MarTech issues by developing customized solutions to optimize Mood's overall performance.

Product Matching Quiz

To overcome the challenge of displaying prohibited content in advertisements, we devised a creative solution – a quiz landing page. This approach served multiple purposes, including:

  • Matching users to products based on their preferences.
  • Segmenting users for targeted email campaigns.
  • Engaging users without immediately displaying restricted product imagery.

The quiz page achieved exceptional results, converting 30% of cold traffic into email leads. Additionally, these leads had a  20% higher conversion rate compared to the normal site traffic. This innovative landing page significantly contributed to reducing the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) for Mood's advertisements.

Web Analytics & Tracking Implementation

Recognizing the importance of accurate web analytics, we addressed complex tracking issues, including pixel firing discrepancies and event double counting. Our solutions involved:

  • Implementing a Server-Side Tag Manager for ad conversions.
  • Adopting Posthog as a self-serve analytics platform.

These measures resulted in a substantial improvement, with events reporting at a 98.7% accuracy, representing a remarkable 75% increase in tracking fidelity compared to the previous state.

Geofenced Advertisements

Through social listening, we identified a crucial gap in consumer knowledge – uncertainty about the availability of Mood's products in their state. To address this, we implemented geofenced campaigns in our native and display advertising efforts. These targeted campaigns not only drove significant web traffic but also outperformed other native ads by effectively communicating product availability in specific regions.
